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III. Treatment:

Small cysts generally do not need treatment, unless they bother you. However larger cysts are usually removed because of their size. Insurance covers the cost of these procedures.

Infected sebaceous cyst

If a sebaceous cyst becomes infected, an antibiotic taken by mouth and minor surgery done in the office may be needed to relieve the pressure and discomfort. This is done by making a small opening into the skin and draining the cyst. Sebaceous cysts often recur after this type of surgery because the sac or wall is left behind.

To remove a sebaceous cyst completely, it has to be excised (cut out) in order to remove the sac or cyst wall. A local anesthetic is used to numb the skin. Stitches are used to close the skin opening and are removed 3-4 days after the surgery.

Excision will usually cure a cyst, however, sometimes a cyst will come back and require a second surgery.

Sebaceous Cyst - Sample Picture



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