Dr. Speron is a Chicago Plastic Surgeon an elite member of both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS). Dr. Speron is Board-Certified with the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Chicago Medical Tourism & Plastic Cosmetic Surgery - Cosmetic Surgery & Plastic Surgery in Chicago, USA with Cosmetic Vacations offering board certified US Plastic Surgeons for Cosmetic and Plastic surgery Procedures and taking care of the Medical Tourists before surgery as well during their Recovery after surgery. Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty) is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breast using breast implants. Breast Implants enhance the breast shape of a woman who feels her breast size is too small and desires a fuller or more lifted appearance.
This minimally invasive procedure can help you change the localized fat deposits and contours of your body. Commonly treated areas include the neck (under the chin), upper arms, male chest or gynecomastia, trunk, abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, inner knees, calves and ankles. Most patients are near normal weight and desire permanent contour changes.
Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. This procedure can dramatically improve the appearance of your abdomen.
Why Pick Chicago for a vacation or medical tourism spot?
Maybe it's the joy of surviving yet another long winter, or maybe people in Chicago just love an excuse for food and fun. Who knows? But I'll tell you this - once the weather warms up, the Windy City heats up with tons of things to do, from summer festivals, The Taste of Chicago, music events, the Loop, Millennium Park, Grant Park, food of every sort all over the place, Wrigley Field, Art Institute, Museum of Science & Industry, Field Museum, ethnic culture experiences,Chicago Air & Water Show, Jazz festival... Anything you want, it's here, making Chicago a great choice for a summer vacation. Whether you stay downtown or in one of the many suburbs, it is an easy place to get around with public transportation.
**Dr. Speron's plastic surgery educational efforts have received worldwide critical acclaim from the media including television (CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Discovery Health Channel, CL TV, This week with Dr. Breen), radio (The Paul Harvey show on WGN radio, The Joe Gentile Show on WJJG, Joe Scheibinger on KFIZ Milwaukee), newspapers (USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Crain's Chicago Business, Daily Herald, Washington Post, Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Daily News, New York Newsday, Pittsburg Gazette, Seattle Times, Houston Chronicle, Minneapolis Star Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, Wyoming News, Charlotte Observer, Chain Drug Review, The Conservative Voice), magazines (People, Forbes, The Skin Care Resource, The Complete Woman, Chicago Magazine, Living Life, Oxygen, Satisfaction, Medical Economics, Laser Solutions, NewsGuide, Cosmetic Surgery Times, Woman's Health & Fitness, The Lutheran, Company, Europe), and online news sources (Plasticsurgery.com, Yahoo News, Google News, MSN News, Natural Skin Care, Skin Care Recovery, Skin Care News, Botox Care Solutions, E Facial Skin Care, Skin Care Blog, Finance Visor, Beauty Riot, Hot Product News, Aloe Talk, Fit After Forty, Habits for Health, Acne Bye, Cosmetics & Skin Care, Health & Herbal Advice, LocateaDoc, HealthNewsDigest, Cosmetic Surgery, Chicago Health and Fitness, Natural Anti-Aging, Sleeping Swan, Tours and Tales) and more.
Some Simple Free Advice For Wherever You Are On This Planet:
What can you do about facial aging & wrinkles?
Start a Start a skin rejuvenation regimen of Vitamin C (Vitamin C Serum, Obagi Cffectives or LaRoche Posay C), tretinoin, and alpha hydroxyacid to reverse some of
the changes of aging and to slow down the aging process. Some physicians use facial lifting surgery, Fotofacial, dermabrasion, TCA peels, laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, fat or collagen injections to smooth out wrinkles.
Facial lifting, dermabrasions, and laser resurfacing are surgical procedures. They are more expensive and require at least one week for recovery. However, these usually produce the greatest deal of improvement! More information
on each of these procedures can be found on our site.
When I first published The 7 Critical Questions to Ask Before Letting Any Surgeon Touch You, I had no idea that it would be so popularly received. Since its publication, this brief guide has helped thousands like you to more safely navigate the world of cosmetic surgery. The 7 Questions have been updated and a bonus section, Applying the 7 Questions, has just been added. Be my guest to read, learn and share.
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