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Dr. Speron's Brow Lifts (Forehead Lift) Surgery Patient Before & After Pictures

Chicago Brow Lift Scar (Forehead Lift) Patient Pictures & Photos


48 year old female 6 days after endoscopic brow lift, lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and short scar facelift. Notice the minimal bruising and swelling. No upper blepharoplasty was done.


49 year old female patient before and 6 months after endoscopic forehead lift. Notice the smoother forehead appearance, markedly diminished glabellar wrinkles and rejuvenated eyes. She has a very natural result without a surprised look.


49 year old female patient before and 6 months after endoscopic Chicago brow lift. Notice the "more open" upper eyes.


57 year old female patient before and 6 months after endoscopic forehead lift. Notice the smoother forehead appearance, markedly diminished glabellar wrinkles and rejuvenated upper eyes. Her result can be improved and maintained with Botox. She has not had any Botox or collagen injections


52 year old female patient before and 3 months after endoscopic forehead lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the correction of her "angry" appearance. She does not have the "surprised-look" which is a commonly seen complication with the older methods of performing a forehead lift.


52 year old female patient before and 3 months after endoscopic forehead lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the correction of her upper eyelid aging with a nice gentle curve and a more open appearance.


52 year old female patient before and 3 months after endoscopic forehead lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Unfortunately, her bangs prevent a true appreciation of her preoperative forehead aging. Of interest, the reason she always wore bangs before surgery was to hide her forehead and glabella because she was embarrassed by them. She no longer wears bangs..


32 year old female patient before and 2 years after endoscopic forehead lift for correction of eyebrow asymmetry. The only thing that bothered her for many years ever since she was a little kid was her right eyebrow was significantly lower and different than her left eyebrow. Notice the more symmetric eyebrow appearance. She has a very natural result without a surprised look.


54 year old female patient before and 6 months after direct forehead lift. She was bothered by her high forehead and didn’t like her droopy eyelids. This procedure took 25 minutes in the office under local anesthesia and can be repeated 6 months after surgery to further shorten her high hairline as well as further lift her eyebrows.

The Chicago Brow Lift Scars:

Anytime a human being gets cut (with surgery or trauma), scars heal the following way: Initially they are red, raised and hard. Within 6-12 months, they are flat, white and soft. Younger people ( <18 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for up to 2 years. Older people (>65 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for less than 3 months.


48 year old Asian female patient before and 4 weeks after a endoscopic brow lift. Notice the hidden scars seen only with her spreading her hair with her hands. Notice how narrow her scars are and there is already some hair growing through the forehead lift scar


54 year old female patient before and 6months after a direct brow lift. Notice the well healed thin scar that now has hair starting to grow thru it. Hair regrowth typically starts at about 6 months after surgery. Once happy, patients can then opt for micro hair grafts with FUE to further camouflage or cosmetic tattooing with micro pigmentation to further hide and camouflage the scars.

What do our Chicago Brow Lift patients say?