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Chicago Tummy Tuck Pictures & Abdominoplasty Surgery before and after Photos


46 year old female before and 6 weeks after a panniculectomy surgery (tummy tuck covered by insurance because of low back pain and rashes or infections underneath her abdominal fold). There was 23 pounds removed at this surgery. This was an outpatient surgery that took 2.5 hours. She went home the same day. Notice her old scar (she had a benign intestinal tumor removed by a general surgeon who told her that "because she was black, she healed badly and it was her own fault she got that wide and unattractive scar!").


38 year old female before and 6 months after full Tummy Tuck Surgery . Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen & removal of most of her pregnancy stretch marks. The right most picture zooms out to capture the essence of the whole abdomen and a larger picture of the outcome.


38 year old female before and 6 months after full Tummy Tuck Surgery . Notice the liposculpting and etching and the midline desired appearance. It is important to leave some periumbilical fullness so that women look aesthetically pleasing and don’t end up looking flat with a man’s abdomen. Most women do not consider that shapely or attractive.


38 year old female before and 6 months after full Tummy Tuck Surgery . Notice the dramatically tightened abdominal muscles. Be careful when you check other surgeon’s pictures as they might be doctored. In this you can see a red circle around the upper abdominal mole as well as the depression at the end of her ribs laterally and superiorly. These are seen in both the before and the after picture.


43 year old female before and 5 months after full Abdominoplasty Surgery . Notice the lengthened appearance of her abdomen. She chose a straight line scar. She also chose to have a vertically narrow belly button. Usually the two most aesthetically pleasing types of belly buttons are the vertically narrow one or the superiorly hooded one


43 year old female before and 5 months after full Abdominoplasty. Notice the correction of her lower abdominal muscle laxity. Again, the scar was placed exactly where she desired. The transition zone to her untreated back/buttock area is also very smooth


43 year old female before and 5 months after full Abdominoplasty Surgery. Notice the nicely rejuvenated appearance of her upper thighs and lifting effect even in this area.


31 year old female before and 3 months after mini-abdominoplasty. She did not want her belly button repositioned. This Chicago Tummy Tuck Picture represents the average result that can be achieved with this surgery.


31 year old female before and 3 months after mini-abdominoplasty. Notice the thigh lift effect with no work on the thighs.


31 year old female before and 3 months after mini-abdominoplasty. Her loosened abdominal muscles were retightened.


35 year old female before and 6 months after an inverted T panniculectomy surgery (tummy tuck covered by insurance). There was 43 pounds removed at this surgery. This was an outpatient surgery that took 3 hours. She went home the same day.

Above patient pictures show the specimen after it was removed. The right picture shows an umbilical hernia that was found and corrected at the same time without mesh.


35 year old female before and 6 months after an inverted T panniculectomy surgery (tummy tuck covered by insurance). Notice on the side view that even though this is not a full tummy tuck the improvement of the transition zones.


32 year old female before and 8 months after abdominoplasty. She had 4.4 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the lifted appearance and flatter tummy. No other procedures were done.


47 year old female before and 8 months after a tummy tuck. The patient started using our Scar Support Product 16 days after surgery only on the left side as part of a trial. She did not have any laser treatments. The hyperpigmentation didn’t bother her enough to have laser treatments. This is a below average result of a tummy tuck scar in terms of scar width. She can undergo a scar revision in the office under local anesthesia if she desired, but did not wish to do so.


39 year old female before and 4 months after full tummy tuck photo. She had 4.5 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs. No other procedures were done except for the tummy tuck. No liposuction of her saddle bags or back were performed (which would have helped further improve the shape and overall result). This is considered an average tummy tuck result and the patient can obtain a better result with a small scar revision of the slightly depressed midline scar and to improve the slight scar asymmetry (a 15 minute office based procedure done under local anesthesia)


39 year old female before and 4 months after full tummy tuck picture. She had 4.5 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs. No other procedures were done except for the tummy tuck

The Tummy Tuck & Panniculectomy Scars:


Anytime a human being gets cut (with surgery or trauma), scars heal the following way: Initially they are red, raised and hard. Within 6-12 months, they are flat, white and soft. Younger people ( <18 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for up to 2 years. Older people (>65 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for less than 3 months. 39 year old female before and 3 months after full abdominoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated and more feminine appearance of the abdomen. The women gets to chose the type of scar - it is placed inside her bikini or underwear lines, based on whichever style she chooses: traditional, high french-cut (as shown above), thong etc.


39 year old female before and 3 months after full tummy tuck. Notice the nice contour of the upper abdomen (an unimproved upper abdomen is one of the most frequent complaints patients have after a traditional tummy tuck). This Chicago Tummy Tuck Picture represents an average result.


39 year old female before and 3 months after full tummy tuck. Notice the thigh lift effect with no work on the thighs. This is unlike most other tummy tuck pictures you will see because in a traditional tummy tuck, all of the tension is placed in the middle of the abdomen. This goes against the principles of an aging abdomen, which ages more laterally than centrally. Therefore, most of the tension should be placed on the sides (not the middle) to truly rejuvenate and recapture a feminine "hour-glass" figure


46 year old female before and 3 days after full tummy tuck. Notice the rejuvenated and more feminine appearance of the abdomen. Notice the rejuvenated and lifted mons pubis and upper thighs. The patient is obviously still swollen in her upper abdomen and flanks from the liposuction that is typically done in conjunction with a tummy tuck. She had 4.5 pounds removed. Because of all the extra deep sutures that Dr. Speron uses (SFS & flap sutures), one drain is usually removed the day after surgery and the second one is usually removed the second day after surgery


41 year old female before and 6 weeks after a mini abdominoplasty. She did not want any more scarring so we used the full extent of her old C-section scar. The periumbilical fullness was maintained. One of the most common mistakes with liposuction of the abdomen is to remove this fat and make a woman look less feminine. Remember, a mini tummy tuck involves liposuction of the entire abdomen and tightening of the loosened muscles with stitches. Obviously, she does not have a dramatic difference because she did not have much fat to remove


39 year old female before and 1 year after traditional abdominoplasty. This patient had her surgery performed by another board certified plastic surgeon in the area - not by me! Notice no thigh correction and the non-rejuvenated appearance, especially laterally. This is exactly what most other tummy tuck patients look like after a traditional tummy tuck - where all of the tension is placed in the middle of the abdomen (especially after 6-12 months). This goes against the principles of an aging abdomen, which ages more laterally than centrally. Therefore, most of the tension should be placed on the sides (not the middle) to truly rejuvenate and recapture a feminine "hour-glass" figure, like in my own patient pictures.


25 year old female before and 6 weeks after full abdominoplasty (tummy tuck picture). She had 2 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs. No other procedures were done except for the tummy tuck.


25 year old female before and 6 weeks after full abdominoplasty. Notice the retightening of her abdominal muscles, which were loosened by her three pregnancies.


43 year old female before and 3 months after a panniculectomy (tummy tuck covered by insurance because of low back pain and rashes or infections underneath her abdominal fold). Patient had lost over 130 lbs via exercise and by improving her eating habits. There was 12 pounds removed at this surgery. These Tummy Tuck Pictures show an average result


34 year old female before and 6 weeks after full tummy tuck. She had 2.5 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. 6 weeks after her abdominoplasty, she also underwent a butt lift. This is a great result.


41 year old female before and 6 weeks after a panniculectomy. There was 23 pounds removed at this surgery. Notice the slight left abdominal dog ear (which can be corrected with a 10 minute revision under local anesthesia in the office) but does not bother the patient


41 year old female before and 6 weeks after a panniculectomy (tummy tuck covered by insurance because of low back pain and rashes or infections underneath her abdominal fold). There was 23 pounds removed at this surgery. She feels more confident and her back pain is resolved.


30 year old female before and 3 months after full tummy tuck. She had 6 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. 6 weeks after her abdominoplasty, she also underwent a butt lift. This Tummy Tuck Picture shows a great result


44 year old male before and 3 months after an abdominoplasty. Patient had lost 125 lbs via exercise and improved nutrition. There were 8 pounds removed during his surgical procedure. This is considered a good result.


44 year old male before and 3 months after abdominoplasty. For a massive weight loss patient, his transition zone is great since he has not had a butt lift or any other cosmetic procedures


44 year old male before and 3 months after an abdominoplasty. Patient had lost 125 lbs via exercise and improved nutrition. There were 8 pounds removed during his surgical procedure. This is considered a good result.


59 year old male before and 6 months after full abdominoplasty. He had 4.5 pounds removed during his surgical procedure.


59 year old male before and 6 months after full abdominoplasty. He had 4.5 pounds removed during his surgical procedure.


37 year old female before and 6 months after full abdominoplasty (tummy tuck photo). She had 3.5 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs. No other procedures were done except for the tummy tuck. No liposuction of her saddle bags or back were performed (which would have helped further improve the shape and overall result)


37 year old female before and 6 months after full abdominoplasty. She had 3.5 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs. Notice the much improved shape and positioning of her belly button..


39 year old female before and 6 months after full tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. She had 6 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the lifted appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs. No other procedures were done. She has some hyperpigmentation on her scars that did not bother her, but could be addressed with laser treatments.


41 year old female before and 6 weeks after a mini abdominoplasty. She is obviously very thin but the only thing she wanted was some improvement of the "pouching" or fullness below her abdomen. This happens to all women as they age and is more prominent with an increased number of pregnancies


29 year old female before and 6 weeks after full abdominoplasty. She had 5.5 pounds (mostly skin) removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs. No other procedures were done.


29 year old female before and 6 weeks after full abdominoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs


29 year old female before and 6 weeks after full tummy tuck. She had 5 children. Notice the nice tightening of her abdominal muscle laxity


54 year old male before and 3 months after a panniculectomy (tummy tuck covered by insurance because of low back pain and rashes or infections underneath his abdominal fold). Patient had lost over 100 lbs via exercise and by improving his nutrition and eating habits. There were 21 pounds removed at his surgery


54 year old male before and 3 months after an inverted T panniculectomy. He opted for this approach since he already had an upper vertical abdominal incision and he wanted this revised anyway because he did not like its appearance. Any patient, but especially massive weight loss patients can always benefit from a repeat procedure anytime after 6-12 months postoperatively. Even though he is extremely happy with his result, he can undergo a redo inverted T panniculectomy. However, insurance will not usually cover a repeat procedure since the medical problems (back pain, rashes and infections under the pannus) are usually gone and it is strictly a cosmetic improvement


34 year old female before and 4 months after full abdominal panniculectomy. She had 19 pounds removed during her panniculectomy surgery. No other procedures were done


34 year old female before and 4 months after full abdominal panniculectomy. She had 19 pounds removed during her panniculectomy surgery. No other procedures were done


51 year old before and 2 weeks after a panniculectomy which his insurance covered. Patient had chronic infections under his pannus and had difficulty with hygiene. He had 75 pounds removed with this surgery


47 year old male before and 1 year after full abdominoplasty. He had 4.2 pounds removed during his surgical procedure. Notice the nice improvement of his old scar and the belly button. His scars are slightly hyperpigmented which should fade with time. He was not interested in laser treatments or skin care products to diminish this or speed along its resolution.


30 year old female before and 3 months after full abdominoplasty photo. She had 6 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. To me, this is a below-average result. The patient, however, was happy with her flatter and smaller abdomen and did not want any revisions


38 year old female before and 14 weeks after inverted T abdominoplasty. She had 10 pounds (mostly skin) removed during her abdominoplasty surgical procedure. Notice the rejuvenated appearance of her abdomen and upper thighs. No other procedures were done. This is an average result. She would benefit from a small scar revision on the left mid area to improve scar symmetry (this would be a 15 minute office procedure under local anesthesia).


50 year old female before and 1 year after full tummy tuck. She had 4.5 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the longer appearance of her abdomen. Despite preoperative counseling, the patient gained 12 pounds since her surgery. She weighed 180 pounds before her surgery and 192 pounds at her 1 year visit. Notice the much improved abdominal appearance even with the moderate weight gain. To me, this is a below average result


50 year old female before and 1 year after full abdominoplasty. She had 4.5 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the much flatter appearance of her abdomen. Despite preoperative counseling, the patient gained 12 pounds since her surgery. She weighed 150 pounds before her surgery and 160 pounds at her 1 year visit. Notice the much improved abdominal appearance even with the moderate weight gain


47 year old female before and 6 weeks after a panniculectomy (tummy tuck covered by insurance because of low back pain and rashes or infections underneath her abdominal fold). There was 21 pounds removed at this surgery. She will undergo a full tummy tuck as a second stage in the future (if she wishes) to further refine her abdomen


35 year old female before and 1 year after panniculectomy with tummy tuck or extra upper abdominal work. She had 17 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. Notice the much longer appearance of her abdomen. Her pubic area is also lifted and rejuvenated


35 year old female before and 1 year after panniculectomy with tummy tuck or extra upper abdominal work. Notice the nice transition zone to her back/buttock area even with no additional surgery there


35 year old female before and 1 year after panniculectomy with tummy tuck or extra upper abdominal work. There was no tightening or work done in her upper abdominal area as this is deemed cosmetic and not covered by insurance and the patient did not wish to pay for this additional work


42 year old male before and 8 months after full Abdominoplasty Surgery . Patient had lost 115 pounds before his tummy tuck abdominoplasty surgery and complained of mostly excess skin. He had 7.5 pounds removed during his tummy tuck surgical procedure. Notice the rejuvenated and smoother appearance of his abdomen. No other procedures were done except for the tummy tuck. This is considered an average tummy tuck result. Massive weight loss patients can always benefit from a redo tummy tuck as early as 6-12 months postoperatively and it is important that they realize this. No matter how tight their skin is initially after the tummy tuck, the skin tends to relax with time


42 year old male before and 8 months after full tummy tuck procedure. Notice the smooth transition zone to his back area. Dr. Speron always performs liposuction with all of his tummy tuck patients to help with this common complaint after tummy tuck surgery


42 year old male before and 8 months after full Abdominoplasty. Notice the epigastric or upper abdominal bulging. Though the patient was very happy, he can benefit from further abdominal muscle tightening if he desired. The muscles are tightened as much as possible during surgery but in patients with massive weight loss, the fascia is attenuated or thinned out and a completely flat long-term result is not always possible


34 year old female before and 6 months after a Tummy Tuck. There was 4.5 pounds removed at this surgery. This was an outpatient surgery that took 1.5 hours. She went home the same day. Notice the much smoother appearance of her entire abdominal area. Because she had a very long abdomen, her old umbilical scar could not be completely removed. This is why she also has a small vertical scar in her lower abdomen. As can be seen, a tummy tuck or Chicago abdominoplasty will also rejuvenate the upper thigh area


35 year old female before and 6 weeks after a panniculectomy surgery (tummy tuck covered by insurance because of low back pain and rashes or infections underneath her abdominal fold). There was 31 pounds removed at this surgery. She will undergo a full tummy tuck as a second stage in the future to further refine her abdomen.


35 year old female before and 6 weeks after a panniculectomy. There was 31 pounds removed at this surgery. She will undergo a full tummy tuck as a second stage in the future to further refine her abdomen.


Typically Dr Speron sees all patients the day before surgery to go over consents, draw on them and go over all scarring, realistic results in our private office environment. Additionally patients are encouraged to wear the tiniest bikini/underwear they would ever consider wearing, so that we can decide where the scar will be placed - high cut, low cut etc.

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