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Dr. Speron's Blepharoplasty Surgery Before & After Pictures

Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Pictures & Photos

Out of our last 100 consecutive cases this year, patient surveys revealed only 11% of our patients had bruising after cosmetic facial surgery and 98% used no narcotics after their cosmetic facial surgery!

We always recommend Celebrex, which is an anti-inflammatory postoperatively for anywhere from 5 to 7 days depending on what surgery the patient is getting.


33 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty picture. Notice the nice natural improvement of her upper eyes. Again, no fat was removed which avoids the skeletonized and hollowed-out look frequently seen after this procedure (most patients think that looks worse than the aging skin they had before surgery). She did not want anything done to her lower eyes at this time.


33 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. Notice the recaptured youthful appearance.


33 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. She had no other procedures.


54 year old male before and after a Midface lift or Cheek lift (which includes lower blepharoplasty), 1 cc Juvederm and a Mini Facelift. Notice the dramatic rejuvenation of the region right under his lower eyelid with correction of his tear trough. He has a natural look with an inconspicuous scar.


68 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated appearance. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other facial procedures.


68 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the nice improvement of his lower eyelid excess skin and crow's feet.


68 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty surgery. Notice the smoother lower eyelid skin.


83 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated appearance without any other procedures at all. There was no fat removed.


83 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty surgery. Notice the smoother lower eyelids achieved with this simple 30 minute procedure.


23 year old male before and 2 weeks after bilateral lower eyelid/nasojugal groove Hyaluronic Acid (Juvederm) injections. Because the skin is so thin, injections in the lower eyelid are lead to one of the highest rates of dissatisfaction so they are not recommended for everybody. But for somebody trying to avoid surgery and happy with about 50% improvement, they can be very helpful.


23 year old male before and 2 weeks after bilateral lower eyelid/nasojugal groove Hyaluronic Acid (Juvederm) injections. Notice how much smoother the transition is from the lower eyelid to the midface area.


59 year old female patient before, 1 week after and 3 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. Notice the dramatic improvement. Patient felt much less heaviness on her eyelids and superior visual field deficit was better on eye examination. No fat was removed (usually not in Dr Speron eyelid procedures). There were no other procedures done.


55 year old female patient before, 3 days postop and 6 weeks postop after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the minimal bruising and swelling at 3 days after surgery. The patient will undergo a forehead lift at some point in the future but was not concerned about her forehead and her eyebrow asymmetry at this time. The newer techniques for eyelid rejuvenation do not get rid of the periorbital fat because a common complaint after removing it is a skeletonized look - especially in the upper eyelids. This problem is seen more frequently in thin patients such as this one. The goal is to look natural and reshaping and repositioning accomplish this.


62 year old male patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Notice the correction of his tear trough deformity. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures.


56 year old female before three months after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice how well her incision has healed on closeup and there's minimal redness and hardness at three months after surgery. She still has some swelling especially on the upper eyelid and her aperture will be even more open as this continues to go away. Patient is very happy. No fat was removed. You would rather have a little bit of bulge and fat recur and be apparent, than to look skeletonized and bony by removing fat aggressively. In fact, in some patients we inject fat injections or use fillers for volume when necessary.


24 year old Indian male before and 6 months after correction of left droopy eyelid with ptosis surgery. Patient is happy with his correction with a simple procedure done in the office under local anesthesia that took 14 minutes.


47 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. Notice the much improved aesthetics of the eyelid area. There were no other procedures done.


58 year old female before and 3.5 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty and Midface or Cheek Lift (includes lower blepharoplasty). Patient's scars are healing uneventfully. The thing that bothered her the most was her midface descent, malar bags, and prominent nasojugal grooves and tear trough. All of these were corrected with only a mid facelift. Patient hasn’t had any fat injections, Botox, fillers or other procedures yet which could further improve her results.


59 year old female patient before, 1 week after and 1 year after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. Notice the dramatic improvement on the oblique view. No fat was removed.


59 year old female patient before, 1 week after and 1 year after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. Patient was happy. There were no other procedures done except the patient had Botox intermittently.


48 year old female patient before and 12 months after correction of Inverted V deformity after aggressive upper blepharoplasty by another surgeon 3 years previously. No fat is usually removed with Dr Speron's approach which avoids the skeletonized and hollowed-out look frequently seen after blepharoplasty by other surgeons who remove fat. This inverted V deformity also tends to then worsen as patients age.


67 year old female before and 6 years after bilateral Midface or Cheek Lift (includes lower blepharoplasty). Patient hated her malar bags, puffy lower eyelids and would not have been happy with just a lower blepharoplasty. Notice the maintained rejuvenated appearance that looks very natural. Patient’s scars are well healed. Patient has also had Botox injections because she wanted her eyebrow arch moved upward without surgery.


67 year old female before and 6 years after bilateral Midface or Cheek Lift (includes lower blepharoplasty). Patient is thrilled with her smoother appearance and diminished swelling and bags. Her scars are well hidden in her creases.

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Scars Before and After

Anytime a human being gets cut (with surgery or trauma), scars heal the following way: Initially they are red, raised and hard. Within 6-12 months, they are flat, white and soft. Younger people ( <18 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for up to 2 years. Older people (>65 years old) have scars that might stay active or red for less than 3 months.


65 year old female patient before and 4 months after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the closeup image showing well healed scars that are already almost imperceptible. Normally you do not see the upper eyelid scars when the patient has their eyes open.


49 year old female patient 1 day after bilateral lower blepharoplasty. Notice the closeup subciliary incision when patient is looking up and away. She has no bruising and minimal evidence of surgery the next day. This was a simple office-based procedure under local anesthesia that took 20 minutes.


44 year old male patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty. The scars are healing wonderfully.


37 year old female patient before and 1 day after bilateral lower blepharoplasty. Notice the subciliary incision without any sutures on the closeup. She barely has any bruising or evidence of surgery the next day. This was a simple office-based procedure under local anesthesia that took 20 minutes.


43 year old female patient before and 7 months after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. The closeup photo reveals well healed scars that are not seen with the eyes open normally. Upper eyelid scars are among the fastest healing scars on the human body.

In a lower blepharoplasty, typically a canthopexy is done at the same time to tighten the loose orbicularis muscle and give a more natural look while diminishing ectropion or lateral scleral show.

A Midface or cheek lift is done through the same incision as a lower blepharoplasty with the addition of a small incision in the hairline. The muscle is lifted in two directions, one with the lower blepharoplasty and canthopexy, and secondly, in a different vector superiorly to lift the mid face or cheek. Most people lift this laterally, but I have changed my approach, because that did not look as natural and it was not as powerful a lift. The midface or cheek ages and descends downward. Please remember that with a mid face or cheek lift, you are also getting a lower blepharoplasty at the same time. It is included and not a separate procedure.

Most surgeons will lift the muscle or SMAS in 1 direction. I have evolved my technique over the years to lift it in 3 separate directions, which results in much more powerful lift, as well as a more natural look. The 3 vectors are determined the day of surgery, depending on what priorities the patient has in terms of jowls, jawline, neck etc. Even though this improves the midface about 30% and the neck, further work can be done with a midface or cheek lift, as well as additional work to the neck, depending on the patient's examination and their expectations.

There are four different options to improve a neck. Depending on how much extra skin you have, fat, and how lax your muscles are these options will be discussed during your private consultation. First option is just liposuction. Second option is a mini neck lift through a small scar in the submental crease. This pulls the neck medially or inward. Next option is a mini lateral neck lift, which has two small scars, and pulls the neck laterally or out to the side. Finally, the last two options are a T or Z neck lift, where the submental skin excess is removed and a full neck lift, which includes the T or Z scar as well as a vertical scar all the way down to the sternal notch. This last option is the most aggressive, but has the most scarring.

More Eyelid Surgery Before and After Pictures

39 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower Chicago Blepharoplasty Surgery. Notice the maintained rejuvenation. There was no fat removed. Notice she does not have a skeletonized look - which she would have been especially prone to given her anatomy. She has had no midface or facelifting procedures and no fat injection. Her nasojugal groove (trough under the eyes) correction is excellent.

53 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper and lower Chicago blepharoplasty. Notice the nice improvement of her periorbital area. No fat was removed (usually not in Dr Speron eyelid procedures). There were no other procedures done.

53 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the eyelid rejuvenation achieved without a forehead lift.

53 year old female patient before and 3 months after bilateral upper and lower Chicago blepharoplasty surgery. Notice the terrific improvement of her nasojugal groove - especially considering she did not have a midface lift done!

51 year old female before and 5 years after bilateral upper blepharoplasty. Notice how much more open her eyes are. She was very happy that all that excess weight and heaviness on her upper eyelids was gone. You can see that she has maintained her results very well.

56 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after a redo facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty or Chicago eyelid surgery. Her eyes have been nicely rejuvenated. No skin care program, Botox, peels or laser have been done. To me, this is a below-average result. There is some minimal left upper eyelid skin that can be excised, but the patient is happy and does not want a revision.

45 year old female Asian eyelid surgery patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral upper Chicago eyelids surgery. Notice the nice natural improvement of her upper eyes. She wanted to retain her ethnic features and did not want to achieve a Westernized eyelid. She did not want anything done to her lower eyes at this particular time.

45 year old female Asian eyelid surgery patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral upper Chicago blepharoplasty eyelid surgery. Notice the retained fullness and youthfulness of her upper eyes. No fat was removed which avoids the skeletonized and hollowed-out look frequently seen after a standard upper blepharoplasty procedure. Most patients think that a skeletonized look does not appear aesthetically pleasing. They also think it looks worse than the aging skin they had before a surgical intervention.

58 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral upper blepharoplasty & correction of ptosis with Chicago Eyelid Surgery. Notice the rejuvenated appearance and improved symmetry. The patient had no other facial procedures.


65 year old female patient before and 4 months after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the dramatically rejuvenated appearance and natural look. There was no fat removed. The patient has a lot of sun damage and pigmentary changes and will undergo laser photorejuvenation treatments to address that.

68 year old male patient before and 13 years after bilateral lower blepharoplasty with Chicago Eyelid Surgery. Notice the smooth lower eyelid appearance. There was no fat removed explaining why there is no "hollowing" of the eyes. Over time, there will be some recurrence of the fat even though the muscle and ligaments were tightened. However, most patients still prefer this over the unnatural hollowed appearance. This is considered an average result. Also notice that with only a lower blepharoplasty, there is no improvement in the nasojugal groove - a mid face lift would be needed to correct this.

45 year old female patient before and 8 weeks after a Short-scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her periorbital area has been nicely rejuvenated. No skin care program, peels, collagen injections or laser treatments have been done. Notice the much improved skin tone and "eyelid-lift" effect achieved. The lids look natural and the eyelid aging is much improved. This is an average result.

59 year old female patient before, 2 days after and 7 days after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the nice periorbital rejuvenation evident even early on. The maximal swelling after any surgery is typically 2 days after a procedure. Most of the swelling is gone by 1-2 weeks. 90% of swelling is gone by 6 weeks with the final result evident 3-6 months after the surgery. Scar maturation is complete about 12 months after the surgery.

48 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Notice the correction of her tear trough deformity and nasolabial folds. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures.

48 year old female patient before and 6 weeks after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and midface lift. Notice the smoothness under her eyes in this close-up. She still has some edema of her lower eyelids above her scar and her scar is still hyperemic (red). Patients are not usually as swollen and red as she is at this point. However, she can still easily conceal this with make-up.

51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the rejuvenated eyelid appearance.

51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and S-Scar facelift. Notice the correction of his malar ptosis, tear trough deformity and nasolabial folds. There was no fat removed. The patient had no other procedures, Botox or collagen.

51 year old male patient before and 3 months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty, midface lift and S-Scar facelift. Because of his eyelid laxity, his ligament and muscles were tightened.

41 year old Asian female patient before and 3 months after a short scar facelift, midface lift and lower blepharoplasty. Notice there was nothing done to her upper eyelids because she did not want anything done at this time.

62 year old African American female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the improved eyelid aesthetics and smooth, full, natural appearance. No fat was removed. Notice the chronic skin irritation (especially on the right) due to the patient taping herself before surgery because of her significant eyelid drooping.

67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. She did not have any Botox which would help her procerus wrinkle (horizontal wrinkle between her eyes). She also stated this wrinkle did not bother her.

67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the shortenen lid-cheek junction.

57 year old female patient before and 6 months after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the rejuvenated and very natural appearance.


48 year old male patient before and 2 years after bilateral lower blepharoplasty picture. Notice the maintained natural result. There was no fat removed explaining why there is no "hollowing" of the eyes.


58 year old female before and 3.5 months after bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Patient noticed a dramatic improvement on the heaviness and weight of her upper eyelids. Notice from this lateral view, the patient's upper eyes are much more open and there's less skin hanging over.


63 year old female patient before and 1 year after bilateral lower blepharoplasty and Botox injection (25 units) to correct a previous surgeon's lower blepharoplasty with blunting of the lateral canthal angle. This bothered her a lot and didn't look natural. Unfortunately in her after picture, she is looking laterally so you can't truly appreciate the now expanded angle and more natural, non-operated on appearance. Of course her bags and wrinkles are significantly improved.


42 year old female patient before and 5 years months after bilateral lower blepharoplasty. Notice the nice natural improvement of her lower eye bags and and dark circles. No fat was removed which avoids the skeletonized and hollowed-out look frequently seen after most blepharoplasties done the older way.

What do our Blepharoplasty patients say?