25 year old before and 1 month after the Laser Acne Treatment Series. Notice the dramatic improvement with no other treatment!
25 year old before and 1 month after the Laser Acne Treatment series. He stopped using all topical treatments. Notice the nice improvement with no other treatment!
25 year old before and 1 month after the Laser Acne Treatment series. He was using Accutane and several topical agents as prescribed by his dermatologist. He has been dealing with this problem since he was 15 and has obvious acne scarring. He has tried everything for his acne, has seen over 8 doctors and has never gotten control of his acne. Remember, the purpose of Laser Acne Treatment is to improve active acne 80-85% which is easy to see in the above pictures. Further work can then be done (with the Fotofacial laser series) to remove the redness and improve the scars.
25 year old before and 1 month after the Chicago laser acne removal series. The active acne (angry, raised, red, painful) was reduced and controlled (flat, calm, less red). The redness will improve with time with no other treatment since his skin will now get a chance to recover now that the acne is under control. Remember, nothing else was used - antibiotics (oral or topical), benzoyl peroxide, Retin-A, Accutane...
18 year old before and 1 month after using the Dr. Speron’s Natural Skin Care Acne Wash twice a day. The active acne (angry, raised, red, painful) was reduced and controlled (flat, calm, less red). The inflammation will continue to improve with time now that the acne is under control. Nothing else was used - no antibiotics (oral or topical), laser treatments, Retin-A, Accutane etc
17-year-old female before and 1 year after one laser acne treatment to forehead acne. She also started using Dr. Speron’s Natural Skin Care Acne Wash once a day and discontinued the antibiotics her dermatologist had put her on. She has continued to use this Acne Wash to decrease the oiliness of her skin and prevent acne from recurring. She was very happy with the results. It is important to treat acne as soon as possible so you do not get chronic acne scars.
18 year old before, 1 month after and 3 months after the Laser Acne Treatment series. The active acne has been controlled. Again, the redness will improve with time with no other treatment as her skin has a chance to recover now that her acne is under control. Further work can then be done (with the Fotofacial laser series) to remove the redness and improve the scars. She is wearing no makeup.
18 year old before, 1 month after and 3 months after the Chicago laser acne removal series. The improvement was achieved even with her stopping all other previous treatments - antibiotics (oral or topical), benzoyl peroxide, Accutane...
23 year old before and 1 month after the series. Notice the decrease in mild cystic acne. The improvement was achieved even with her stopping all other previous treatments - antibiotics (oral or topical), benzoyl peroxide, Retin-A, Accutane...
23 year old before and 1 month after the series. This improvement was achieved even with her stopping all other previous treatments - antibiotics (oral or topical), benzoyl peroxide, Retin-A, Accutane...
29 year-old female before and only 1 week after one laser acne treatment to right forehead acne. She also started using Dr. Speron’s Natural Skin Care Acne Wash twice a day. She is not on any other therapies. Notice the quick improvement. She still has a little hyperemia as the inflammation with chronic acne can take several weeks to fully resolve. We also suggest patients adopt a healthier lifestyle for example eating healthy, regular exercise, changing to organic pillows and pillowcases and decreasing stress with meditation yoga etc.