Patient Portal

Ezine 126 May 2013

Skin Care Tip:

Coconut Oil Can Do Wonders For Your Skin

here has been a buzz going around the natural product community lately and it has been over the amazing skincare benefits of coconut oil. Coconut oil is a great alternative to many unnatural products that may be doing more harm than good. It can be used as a deep moisturizer for anyone who has dry skin and it is also great for hydrating any dry skin patches. Coconut oil also strengthens underlying tissues and removes excess cells that have died which helps slow down the aging process. It also can help anyone who is suffering from acne! Coconut oil contains properties that kill the bacteria that cause acne while also healing any inflammation or current breakouts. It is important to purchase coconut oil that is unrefined or unprocessed in order to ensure that it will not clog the pores. Virgin or organic coconut oil products are recommended for any skincare needs.

Anti-Aging Tip:

Get More Fresh Air!

Now that spring is finally here and the weather is more pleasant – many of us are opting to move our activities outdoors in order to enjoy several months of sunshine. However, what we don’t realize is how much benefit we are actually receiving from enjoying the fresh air. Spending time outside positively affects our mood and bodies. First off, it is a great way of helping our bodies digests our food properly. Taking a short walk after every meal is highly recommended to avoid the feeling of being too full and lethargic. Fresh air also cleanses our lungs and helps release any airborne toxins that we may have inhaled. It has also been found to improve blood pressure, heart rate, and strengthen our