Tretinoin (Retin-A) cream for younger skin!
Acne is a problem that most individuals experience at some point. For some, it becomes a severe problem that can lead to permanent scarring, skin infections and even self-esteem issues. For the most persistent cases of acne, there's a medication called Tretinoin. This medication is used either as a pill or a topical cream. It is a form of Vitamin A. Specialists also highly recommend Tretinoin cream to reduce certain signs of aging. It is used to treat dark spots, fine wrinkles and rough skin on the face caused by damaging rays of the sun. It works by lightening the skin, replacing the older skin with newer skin. This obliging product works best when used within a skin care program that includes protecting the skin from the sun. It is also important to acknowledge that using this cream does not permanently or completely erase skin problems or greatly improve more obvious changes in the skin such as deep wrinkles caused by the sun or the natural aging process.
Blood tests can sometimes reveal more than a physical
To find out how healthy you are, you can get blood tests that read accurate measurements of hormones, blood sugar and inflammation. These types of blood tests not only lay the basis for staying healthy but also indicate diseases that may be brewing. A number of physicians will test your blood sugar levels. For this test, you will need to fast for at least 12 hours. The reason for the fasting is that insulin takes up to 12 hours to clear your system after you have eaten. Another test needed would be Hemaglobin A1C. This test will signify how well your body metabolizes sugar over time. Getting this test can diagnose ‘prediabetes’, giving you a chance to get blood sugar levels under control before the illness gets epidemic. To protect against numerous health problems including depression and bone loss, you might also need to get your hormone levels checked. Getting your thyroid levels in check can help ward off weight gain and fatigue.
Chicago Skin Tag Removal Procedure
Skin tags are common, acquired benign skin growths that usually develop in folds of skin and causes little to no harm. Still these growths can be irritating when rubbed against clothing or cosmetic reasons. In those cases, physicians can remove the tag surgically or by cauterization. Although some skin tags may fall off spontaneously, most persist once formed. The medical name for skin tag is acrochordon. These growths typically occur in characteristic locations, including the base of the neck, eyelids, underarms and under the breasts. Skin tag removal can be done at a physician’s office and a numbing cream may be applied.
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During your consult with Dr. Speron, the patient will discuss their desired goals on an individual level. Then they will further discuss the course of treatment and potential complications at the appointment time. Please check out the wealth of information on our site by clicking here.
Make sure you chose a board certified plastic surgeon. A call to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or ASPS at 1-888-4-PLASTIC (ie. 1-888-475-2784) can tell you which doctors are legitimate plastic surgeons with outstanding qualifications. You can also visit the ASPS web site at The ASPS is the only one of the 24 boards approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties that certifies physicians in plastic surgery of the face and all areas of the body. When considering a cosmetic surgeon, you should also make sure your surgeon is a member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS). A call to ASAPS (1-888-272-7711) or visiting the ASAPS website ( can help you verify your plastic surgeons membership.
To help you in making your decision, please click here to check out the 7 critical questions to ask any plastic surgeon before letting them touch you!
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