Patient Portal

Ezine 141 August 2014

Skin Care Tip:

High fructose corn syrup is bad for your skin!

High-fructose corn syrup is an extremely common and popular product that can be found in many processed and pre-packaged foods in order to extend their shelf life. The problem though is that it has been found to wreak havoc on the skin due to the fact that the body cannot break it down for digestion. Our body tends to react negatively to corn syrup with high frusctose corn syrup being even worse. This in turn leads to acne breakouts, premature wrinkles, sun sensitivity, hyperpigmentation, and dark circles. Common foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup are cereal, non-dairy creamer, yogurt, bread, salad dressing, sauces, soda, and many fruit flavored drinks.

Anti-Aging Tip:

Benefits of being outdoors!

Now that summer is going strong, many of us are enjoying activities outdoors which means sunshine and fresh air. What we don’t realize is how much benefit we are actually receiving from enjoying that fresh air. Spending time outside positively affects our mood and bodies. First off, it is a great way of helping our bodies digest food properly. Taking a short walk after every meal is highly recommended to avoid the feeling of being too full and in turn lethargic. Fresh air also cleanses our lungs and helps release any airborne toxins that we may have inhaled. It has also been found to improve blood pressure, heart rate, and strengthen our immune system. Additionally, if you ask anyone who makes it a habit of taking a daily walk, they will swear by the positive mental affect it always gives them. Fresh air has been found to give a significant boost in mood as inhaling more oxygen increases serotonin production. Serotonin is the chemical in our brain that is responsible for happiness and other positive emotions. Other mental benefits of spending more time in the fresh air everyday are an increase in energy levels, mind clarity, and better concentration!

Plastic Surgery Tip:

Chicago Breast Augmentation Lifting

Breast Enhancement Surgery, also known as Breast Augmentation, enhances the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. During surgery, your board-certified plastic surgeon will usually place the implant behind the muscle, to give your breast a more natural appearance. Now that silicone implants have been approved by the FDA, you can choose between saline and silicone implants. The most common reasons why women choose Breast Enlargement surgery is to enhance the body contour of a woman’s breasts, because of size. Other reasons are to correct uneven breast size or shape, or to add more volume after pregnancy.

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During your consult with Dr. Speron, the patient will discuss their desired goals on an individual level. Then they will further discuss the course of treatment and potential complications at the appointment time. Please check out the wealth of information on our site by clickinghere.

Make sure you chose a board certified plastic surgeon. A call to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or ASPS at 1-888-4-PLASTIC (ie. 1-888-475-2784) can tell you which doctors are legitimate plastic surgeons with outstanding qualifications. You can also visit the ASPS web site at The ASPS is the only one of the 24 boards approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties that certifies physicians in plastic surgery of the face and all areas of the body. When considering a cosmetic surgeon, you should also make sure your surgeon is a member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS). A call to ASAPS (1-888-272-7711) or visiting the ASAPS website ( can help you verify your plastic surgeons membership.

To help you in making your decision, please click here to check out the 7 critical questions to ask any plastic surgeon before letting them touch you!

By far, the most important factor in the success of your procedure is the surgeon you choose. So please choose wisely...

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