Patient Portal

EZINE 147 February 2015

Skin Care Tip:

Fragrance Free products are usually safest!

We all love the smell of a nice fragrance. In fact the first thing everyone does when buying a skin care product is smell it. However all that aroma is not so good for our skin regardless if the product is natural or synthetic.

The way the fragrance ingredients convey scent is through a volatile reaction, and almost always is the cause of irritation and inflammation. On the surface, skin looks healthy and not irritated but below the surface irritating ingredients can cause collagen to break down. For people with sensitive skin and rosacea or acne, fragrance can seriously irritate the skin. Products with any kind of fragrance in them should be avoided at all costs.

Natural skin care products for a sensitive skin type are the best choice because they are free of fragrance and won't irritate your skin. Before making any kind of purchase, you should always read the label and remember generally speaking the less ingredients in a product the better.

Anti-Aging Tip:

Take a break!

We all get stressed at work. Between the workload and deadlines, very often we are tempted to skip our breaks, which can put a strain on our health. Taking a break from work load is a great way to de-stress.

Taking a 15 minute break every day helps to increase focus and productivity making you more focused. Removing yourself from the work load for 15 minutes makes you more creative, lowers your stress which decreases your risk of developing chronic anxiety and depression. It can also decreases the risk for computer vision syndrome, which include eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, upper limb problems, backache and dry eyes.

So next time you are stressed at work remember this. Whatever you choose to do on your break whether it be taking a walk, listening to music, or meditating, it will relax you and make you happier which will decrease your stress levels and keep you health!

Plastic Surgery Tip:

Chicago Mole or Nevus Treatments

Many people refer to moles as any dark spot or irregularity in the skin. Some people have birthmark they want to get rid of, abnormal formations of blood vessels, and keratosis (pre-cancerous or cancerous spots which appear after about 30 years).

Some people are born with moles. Other moles appear in later life. Sun exposure is always a huge factor. So make sure you always wear sunscreen. Moles sometimes become atypical or dysplastic moles. The role of heredity cannot be underemphasized. Many families have a type of mole known as dysplastic, which can be associated with higher frequency of melanoma (which is a type of skin cancer).

Moles, or nevi, are frequently removed for a variety of reasons. They can be removed by two surgical methods. One method is by excising (cutting), with or without stitches depending on how big the area is. Second way is with shave removal using a scalpel blade without stitches. Some laser treatments can be tried for moles, although it is not the best method of choice for deep moles because the laser light doesn’t penetrate deeply enough and there is no tissue remaining to examine pathologically.

To see before and after patient pictures, please click here.

During your consult with Dr. Speron, the patient will discuss their desired goals on an individual level. Then they will further discuss the course of treatment and potential complications at the appointment time. Please check out the wealth of information on our site by clicking here.

Make sure you chose a board certified plastic surgeon. A call to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or ASPS at 1-888-4-PLASTIC (ie. 1-888-475-2784) can tell you which doctors are legitimate plastic surgeons with outstanding qualifications. You can also visit the ASPS web site at The ASPS is the only one of the 24 boards approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties that certifies physicians in plastic surgery of the face and all areas of the body. When considering a cosmetic surgeon, you should also make sure your surgeon is a member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS). A call to ASAPS (1-888-272-7711) or visiting the ASAPS website ( can help you verify your plastic surgeons membership.

To help you in making your decision, please click here to check out the 7 critical questions to ask any plastic surgeon before letting them touch you!

By far, the most important factor in the success of your procedure is the surgeon you choose. So please choose wisely...

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