87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 3 months after direct neck lift. Notice the patient had no other surgery. Notice the remarkable difference in the neck contour. There is still some puckering which usually disappears within 1-3 months after the procedure. Patients who are willing to tolerate these scars and do not want an extensive procedure are excellent candidates for this operation. Remember, this was a quick procedure done with minimal sedation and local anesthesia that took about 30 minutes!
87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient had no other surgery. Notice the improvement of her "turkey gobbler" neck.
87 year old female patient before,6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient had no other surgery. Notice the sustained improvement even with neck flexion
87 year old female patient before, 6 weeks and 6 months after direct neck lift. The patient had no other surgery. Notice the dramatic improvement even with neck flexion.
67 year old Hispanic female patient before and 1 year after a Short scar facelift, midface lift, neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the dramatic improvement in neck skin laxity. There were no other procedures performed.
57 year old female patient before and 6 months after a Short scar facelift, midface lift and upper and lower blepharoplasty. Notice the natural appearance achieved with minimal scarring and down-time.
A 65 year old male patient before and 6 months after a direct necklift done in the office under local anesthesia which took only 20 minutes. Even though he was a candidate to get other procedures such as a facelift, cosmetic eyelid surgery, as well as injectables, the only thing that bothered him with his neck and he was willing to tolerate a small T scar. This is a very gratifying operation especially for men who can hide the scar in their beard. His retruded chin was also elevated (pushed upwards) with the procedure to look more normal and even his jowls were improved.
Same patient - notice the scars blending in without the use of any makeup or concealer. The hardest part to this operation is the initial postoperative period and looking at the red thick scar but as with all scars, it usually softens within 6-12 months to become a soft white line in most patients.
Same patient - notice the natural and dramatic difference.