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Buccal Fat Removal: Is it Good for Everyone?

Buccal fat removal is trending but it might be the biggest regret of your life!

Beware of looking worse with Buccal fat removal! It's definitely not for everybody.

Buccal fat removal is a growing plastic surgery trend that's a bit concerning. Not only are a lot of people not candidates for the procedure, or don't understand which fat is actually removed but it can also makes you look worse as you age, especially concerning if you lose weight.

Please remember that as we grow older, the fat tends to leave the face naturally so this area can look really hollowed out if you've removed the buccal fat. So yes, it can actually accelerate facial aging. You might've been happy with Buccal fat removal in your 20s but after 40 it might not be the most flattering look. Another thing I've seen a lot with patients is they want their jowl fat removed or lifted and they think buccal fat removal will do this for them. In fact, it won’t.

Please talk to your surgeon to make sure you understand all the pros and cons of this plastic surgery trend that many celebrities are flocking to and is viral on social media. Many are claiming it's a new procedure but it’s really not. It's been around for many years.

There's just a big difference between Buccal fat removal on social media versus real life.

Buccal Fat Removal: Is it Good for Everyone?



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