Are you looking for Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?
By age 50, about 50% of American men-and a substantial number of women-are affected by hair loss with aging, much of which is hereditary. Micro-hair transplantation is a state-of-the-art hair transplantation technique that has replaced "plugs" or larger grafts of hair.
Technique: Most micro-hair transplant procedures (individual hair micrograft restorations) use local anesthesia and are performed on an outpatient basis. Other procedures such as flap surgery, require general anesthesia and are performed in a surgical setting. After approximately six weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out and be replaced about three months later when the new hair grows in. To achieve sufficient density, several sessions may be required. Hair transplantation is a progressive process requiring hundreds of micro-grafts, each of which will generally contain from one to three hairs mini-grafted from a donor site on the side or back of the head. They are randomly implanted in the bald (or thinning) area so that they will grow in a natural pattern and produce an undetectable result.
Survival of transplanted hair is not always predictable
Hair Lift
Scalp Lift
Loss of hair is usually an inherited trait, although underlying medical conditions should be ruled out. Scalp reductions can reduce the size of a bald spot
Balding men usually with a noticeable bald spot
You should check with a SpaMedica patient consultant, but generally people with uncontrolled heart or lung diseases and those with organ abnormalities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, angina or asthma should be stabilized.
Recent traumatic stresses such as divorce, death in the family, job losses or depression may mean having your procedure at a later date.
People with known keloid scars.
Some of the balding scalp is removed and the resulting defect is sutured as a thin line. By removing this ellipse of skin, the hair-bearing scalp is brought closer together, thereby making the bald spot smaller.
This procedure takes about 1 1/2 hours
Local freezing and deep sedation, You will not remember this procedure
An anesthesiologist is always present
You can wash your hair the next day. Minimal bruising, swelling and discomfort for 3 days
Most can return to work 2-3 days post-operatively.
Most scalp reduction patients are happy. Modest decrease in the size of a bald spot can be achieved. Pre-op computer imaging can help show you the range of improvements that may be achieved.
Costs vary but range from $2,000 to 2,800.Need to book a screening consultation to assess candidacy and during this consultation approximate price will be discussed.
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