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Skin Cancer Removal Patient Before & After Pictures


84-year-old male with a suspicious left forehead/scalp lesion, before and one week after a biopsy. The appearance was typical of a keratoacanthoma. Even if the lesion is pretty obvious, a biopsy is always recommended. This enables us to get a pathologist to verify the diagnosis. This is important, so we don't know do unnecessary surgery, give people unnecessary scars, but also because different cancers require different amounts of normal skin removed around them.


36-year-old female before and 4 weeks after dermatologist Mohs removal of left nasal BCC (basal cell carcinoma) and reconstruction with a Full Thickness Skin Graft. Surgery took 17 minutes in the office under local anesthesia. Patient started using Dr. Speron’s Natural Skin Care Natural Scar Support Treatment 2 weeks after reconstruction.


36-year-old female before and 4 weeks after dermatologist Mohs removal of left nasal BCC (basal cell carcinoma) and reconstruction with a Full Thickness Skin Graft. Notice the smooth contour and natural look. Patient started using Dr. Speron’s Natural Skin Care Natural Scar Support Treatment 2 weeks after reconstruction.


67 year old male with Right scalp Squamous Cell Carcinomas before and 6 months after removal and skin cancer reconstruction with a full thickness skin graft. He is happy with his results and happy with more hair covering his bald spot, which was part of the full thickness skin graft. He did not get any chemotherapy or radiation treatments.


90-year-old female before, 1 week and 12 weeks after shave removal of bilateral lower eyelid SCC (squamous cell carcinoma). She did not wish to undergo definitive excision with reconstruction. Patient opted for just the shave biopsy under local and then opted for the one month of Aldara cream. Aldara is a skin cream containing the chemical imiquimod (5%) which is proven to be active against early forms of skin cancer and premalignant disease, such as superficial basal cell carcinoma, actinic (solar) keratoses, Bowen's disease, Paget disease of the vulva and vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN). She is currently cancer stable and happy with the cosmetic results. Surveillance will be continued, and if she chooses surgery or radiation therapy these are still options.


75 year old male before and 4 months after excision of left Upper Ear Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC). Reconstruction after removal of about 22% of the ear was done under local anesthesia in the office. Scars are well healed and the ear looks about 95% like a normal ear. Patient was not interested in further reconstruction. Patient also used our Scar Support Product starting 4 weeks after procedure. He did not have any laser treatments.


74 year old male before and 6 months after excision of right lateral forehead keratoacanthoma which is a variant of squamous cell skin cancer. This popped up very rapidly and grew within two weeks. Reconstruction was done with a full thickness skin graft. The procedure was done in the office under local anesthesia took a total of 18 minutes. Patient also used our Scar Support Product starting 2 weeks after procedure. He did not have any laser treatments.


79 year old male before and 8 months after excision of right mid face/lip Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC). Local flap reconstruction was done under local anesthesia in the office. He is cancer free. Scars are well healed.


59 year old female before and 3 months after excision of left lateral shoulder - back basal cell skin cancer. She did not have any laser treatments. Patient started using our Scar Support Product 10 days after her surgery.


84 year old male before and 6 months after excision of right lateral temple/scalp Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and right preauricular Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC). Reconstruction was done under local anesthesia in the office. Scars are well healed.


76-year-old male before and 8 months after removal of left alar SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) with nasolabial flap reconstruction followed by use of Dr. Speron’s Natural Skin Care Natural Scar Support Treatment. He is cancer free and happy with the cosmetic results. He has undergone treatment for several other skin cancers on other different parts of his face after this event.


76-year-old male before and 8 months after removal of left alar SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) with nasolabial flap reconstruction followed by use of Dr. Speron’s Natural Skin Care Natural Scar Support Treatment. He did undergo a secondary flap inset and debulking and is happy with his nasal shape.


81-year-old male with squamous cell carcinomas on multiple areas of his right scalp and right lateral forehead. He had two different surgeries in the office under local anesthesia to remove these 2 large lesions because he did not want to go to the hospital and get general anesthesia. He is shown one year postoperatively without any recurrence and he did not get any chemotherapy or radiation treatments.


79 year old male before and 4 years after excision of left Superior Ear Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC). This surgery was done under local anesthesia in the office. He did not have any laser treatments.


62 year old female before and 7 months after excision of right lateral forehead basal cell skin cancer. All patients undergo a shave biopsy for diagnosis to delineate what treatment is necessary. With smaller skin cancers, a simple excision in the office as a five minute procedure under local anesthesia is usually all that is required. You can see an excellent result was obtained. The larger a cancer gets, then skin grafts or flaps might be required. Patient also started using our Scar Support Product 3 weeks after her procedure. She did not have any laser treatments.


81-year-old male before and 16 months after removal of right scalp melanoma with FTSG reconstruction. His contour is preserved and he has no recurrence of his melanoma. He also had negative sentinel lymph node biopsy.


59-year-old female before and 10 months after removal of left nasal SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) with Mohs followed the next day by Full thickness, skin graft reconstruction. Patient then started using Dr. Speron’s Natural Skin Care Natural Scar Support Treatment after the 2 week check up. She is cancer free and happy with the cosmetic results.


59-year-old female before and 10 months after removal of left nasal SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) with Mohs followed the next day by Full thickness, skin graft reconstruction. Notice the natural result and smooth contour of the reconstruction.


67 year old male before and 6 months after Excision of right ear Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC). Skin Cancer reconstruction was performed under local anesthesia in a quick 10 minute office procedure.