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Rhinophyma Patient Before & After Pictures

81 year-old male before and 6 weeks after surgical correction of rhinophyma. This bothered him for many years and he was so happy to finally get it corrected. He feels a lot less self-conscious and he's thrilled with the results

81 year-old male before and 6 weeks after surgical correction of rhinophyma. This lateral side view shows the extent of the rhinophyma deformity.

75 year old male before and 3 weeks after correction of rhinophyma. The redness will fade with time.

75 year old male before and 3 weeks after correction of rhinophyma. Notice the much improved nasal shape.

75 year old male before and 3 weeks after correction of rhinophyma. Remember, this is not a rhinoplasty (nasal reshaping operation). When you correct this problem, you are revealing the cartilage and bony shape of the patient's nose.

67 year old male before and 6 months after correction of rhynophyma. Notice the much more pleasing contour.

67 year old male before and 6 months after correction of rhynophyma. He was not self-conscious anymore about his nasal appearance. Notice the natural look.